The use of added fragrance in skincare products is a topic that we get asked about frequently.
Many people find it unusual to use skincare products that are not strongly scented. However, the decision to not use added fragrance in our products is not because we think the natural fragrance of the ingredients we use is sufficient. The truth is that our decision is based purely on health and safety concerns.
Both synthetic and natural fragrances have been shown to release chemicals with harmful side-effects on the immune system and the body. Synthetic fragrances, which are often derived from petrochemicals, have well-documented carcinogenic and toxic effects. Essential oils, which are frequently used as a natural alternative to synthetic fragrances, are also extremely potent and can have disturbing side-effects when used in high concentrations, particularly on children (that's why we always suggest consulting a qualified aromatherapist, homeopath or naturopath if using essential oils directly).
In addition, fragrance is the leading cause of allergic reactions in skincare products. Simply put, if you suffer from allergies or have sensitive skin you should avoid added fragrances.
For these reasons, we believe that it is best to avoid using any ingredient solely for its fragrance. All of our skincare range use only a small number of ingredients that are suitable for delicate skin, and in carefully controlled amounts. This approach allows us to offer safe and effective skincare that is free from added fragrances and 100% natural.
From all of us at Four Cow Farm,
Further reading:
Skincare’s backlash against Essential Oils - The New York Times